English version
Prize Centro Iniziative Culturali Pordenone
“Youth, art and the city”
University level
Prize of 1.000,00 euros
Prize Presenza e Cultura
“I communicate, therefore I am”
Prize of 600,00 euros for a work which treats, from any angle, the diverse aspects of interpersonal communication
Prize Fondazione Crup
“Youth and Innovation”
Prize of 600,00 euros for a work which documents experiences of innovation promoted by young people
Prize Provincia di Pordenone
“Discovering Itineraries: History, Nature, Hospitality
Prize of 600,00 euros for a work which promotes the Pordenone territory
Prize Caritas Pordenone
Prize of 600,00 euros for a promotional video (spot) or a video which describes an actual volunteer experience in the volunteer’s home territory
Prize for Photography Banca Popolare FriulAdria
Prize of 600,00 euros for a work which shows particular attention given to the photography
Prize Music-Imagery
Prize of 600,00 euros for a work which shows outstanding quality in the choice of soundtrack (possibly original) and its appropriateness to the imagery
Prize Best Acting
Prize of 600,00 euros for a work in which individuals or groups show particular expressive qualities in body movement, diction or sensibility towards their role
Other prizes
For works deemed worthy of note, the promoters will award extra prizes of 400,00 and 300,00 euros. Prizes must be collected in person on the day of the Prize-giving Ceremony.
All works must be sent to the Centro Iniziative Culturali Pordenone (Via Concordia, 7 - 33170 Pordenone, Italy), and they must be received before 17 March 2011, accompanied by the official presentation form.
Awards will be presented on Sunday 29 April, 2012, at 10am, at the Auditorium. A reception will follow at the Centro Culturale A. Zanussi (Via Concordia, 7 - 33170 Pordenone, Italy).
Examining Board
The Promoters will nominate a special examining board, made up of experts in teaching methods and multimedial languages. Works will be judged on the basis of their didactic and audio/visual qualities, as well as their capacity for synthesis.
Copyright and Circulation
Copies of the prize-winning works will be made in DVD, available to schools, and will become part of the media collection in the library of the Centro Culturale A. Zanussi, Pordenone. They will also be available on www.videocinemaescuola.it